I have been trying various themes for long time. Could not settle down with any one. No theme is full proof as the requirement and taste differs for each individuals
The blogging system I used on this blog is WordPress powered version 2.6 which is one the best around considering it small footprint and extensibility and flexibility. Enough said about it… there are so many of plug-in and themes around I hard to make one out of them to the greatest or All in one kind.
As you can see at bottom of my blog that I am using theme powered by HemingWayEx created by Nalin Makar http://www.nalinmakar.com/hemingwayex/ and the version I am using is 1.5. This has been designed carefully with good aesthetics sense (this is my personal like and may not be yours) . Lot of OOB feature implementation and you are up and running within couple hours worth of customization suiting your contents and likes.
My thanks to all the guys behind WordPress and Nalin to have created the theme.
2 replies on “A New Look with Professional Looking WordPress Theme”
The theme looks good. I will be using it for my site too..
Thanks for reading my blog.